Prosthetic limbs aren’t just for people! In fact, the world’s first elephant hospital is now also the world’s first elephant prosthesis factory, dedicated to treating elephant amputees who have been injured by landmines in Northern Thailand. Take a look inside their hospital!...

Everyone knows about the damage that macroplastic pollution is doing, but much less is known about the dangers of microplastics. Join me in Central America to learn about what microplastics in the ocean are doing to whale shark populations, and how they are interfering with reproductive cycles....

How can a fish help a mountain lion injured in a fire? Well, amazingly, with its skin! A 5-month-old mountain lion with second and third degree burns on all four paw pads from the California bushfires is being treated with a "bandage" first tried in Brazil: fish skin. Sterilised tilapia skin has been recently recognised as an effective “biological band-aid” that provides three key benefits – mechanical protection due to the scales, a reduction in pain, and faster healing time. ...

It is no secret that coral reefs are being lost at an alarmingly fast rate. The warming of the oceans has triggered a series of disastrous consequences for our delicate marine ecosystems – perhaps none more infamous than the loss of our coral reefs. Meet the team who have come up with a 3D printed solution to this problem!...

After losing part of his beak in what was suspected to be a wildlife trafficking incident, veterinary surgeons teamed up with nanotechnology experts to come up with a solution. Meet the bionic toucan with a 3D printed beak!...

Ultrasound is difficult at the best of times, let alone when using it to guide you in biopsying an internal organ. Students practice their skills on "phantoms" - ranging from high-tech ultrasound models to DIY jelly like this one. See how we made our (very-DIY) one here, and learn how to make your own!...

In early 2018, Jan and I spent three months working on Australia’s remote and beautiful Kangaroo Island. The island is a largely-untouched natural paradise, home to some of Australia’s rarest and most endangered species, along with some of its most populous. In the latter group, and perhaps unsurprisingly, there’s no shortage of kangaroos. In fact, the island even has its own subspecies known as the Kangaroo Island Kangaroo – one of whom we got to know very well when we unexpectedly became her foster parents!...